21) Chief

* none

To figure out who the chief is

How to Play
Have group form a circle, and send one person, "It," out of the room or otherwise, out of sight. Choose another person from the circle, to be the "chief." The chief begins by starting a continuous motion (ie: clapping, stomping, rubbing his/her head repetitively). The rest of the group does the same motion at the same time. At any time, the chief can change the motion, and any motion should not last longer than 20 or 30 seconds. The rest of the group must be alert to switching over to the new motion as quickly as possible.
When the group begins, they can shout for "It" to come back and stand in the middle of the circle. From the center, this person must attempt to identify the chief, within three tries. If he/she identifies the chief, the chief becomes "It." Otherwise, the chief can identify him/herself, and a new "It" can be chosen from the group.

The chief is usually most successful if he/she changes the motion while "It's" back is turned, but if this happens every time, "It" will realize the general vicinity of the chief, so some variation is good. Also, if everyone is watching the chief, his/her identity will be obvious, so everyone should try and be careful to look around or in some way, be discrete.

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