24) Blind Cow

* bell (cow bell is ideal)
* blindfold

How to play
Have group form a circle. Choose one person to be the cow in the center. Blindfold the "cow", and hand the bell to one of the other players. The players then pass the bell around, allowing it to ring. The faster it is passed, the louder it will ring. The bell may be passed back and forth in either direction, and the "cow" must attempt to tag the person holding the bell. When the "cow" finds the bell, the bell-holder becomes the new "cow."

If the players are not bold enough to move freely around the circle, blindfolded, an alternative would be to have a facilitator call out "stop," at which time, the players stop passing the bell, and the "cow" must point to the person holding the bell. If the "cow" points to the wrong person, the round continues, with the bell being passed once more. If the "cow" does point to the bell holder, then this person becomes the new "cow."

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