74) Conversations

* one chair for each player

Using chairs, create two circles, one inside the other. There should be an equal number of chairs in each circle. Each chair in the inner circle, should match up with a chair in the outer circle, all of them facing outward. There should be enough room between the inner and outer chairs, for someone to walk around them.

How to Play
Have everyone sit in a chair. If there are siblings in the group, you may want to keep both in the inner or both in the outer circle to avoid awkwardness. On the facilitators command, the inner group should walk clockwise, and the outer group should walk counter clockwise. When the facilitator says stop, everyone should sit in the closest chair. Those in the outer group will straddle the chair, facing a player from the inner circle.
Now give a topic. For 30 seconds, the player on the inside must talk incessantly about this topic to his/her partner. When the time is up, the outer player talks about the same subject for 30 seconds. If the subject isn't too personal, you may then call on a couple people to recount what their partner said to ensure listening.
Start again with everyone walking around to an new seat, using a new subject, and having the players in the outer circle start.

Subjects can be anything, ie:
* how was your day
* what did you read/hear in the news
* why is the sky blue
* what did you do on your birthday
* talk about your favorite animal

The purpose of this game is to get participants sharing ideas, feelings, etc with people they rarely talk to.

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