48) Video Scavenger Hunt

* video camera (or digital camera) for each team
* method for showing video footage or pictures to the whole group afterwards
* vehicle with a driving leader for each team
* optional: "x" amount of cash per team

How to Play
A scavenger hunt, in it's original form, is for tangeable objects- things that can be collected. A video scavenger hunt takes record of non-tangeable objects/actions/sounds/etc.
Split group into teams. Give them a list of places to go, and things to record, with points assigned to each thing, as well as a time to be back. The first team back will receive bonus points, and the footage will be shown at a designated time.

* find a stranger at the mall, and interview them on camera, RESPECTFULLY asking about their hobbies, religion, career, etc. Make sure to ask for explainations.
* buy small fries (or find a restaurant to donate a small fries to your game), put them in your nose, and pretend to be a walrus (one point for each participant)
* make a commercial
* write a song and sing it
* find a way to get soaked
* do a dance
* ask a stranger for directions
* find someone who can say "I'm Crazy" in German (or Spanish, French...)
* find someone to demonstrate a "strange talent" (ie: foot in mouth, tongue in nose, etc)

from 1/6/07, 2:11pm

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