41) Over-Under*

* bucket of water
* 3 or 4 measuring cups/small containers approximately the same size PER team
* empty bucket (same size) per team

Set a bucket of water in front of the relay area. Set an empty bucket with 3 or for small containers behind where you plan to have each team stand.

How to Play
Have players form teams of equal size (at least 8, preferrably at least 10). Have each team stand in line in front of their empty bucket, parallel to the other teams, and crouch down on hands and knees, holding the ankles of the people ahead of them. At the facilitator's command, the person in the back of each line should stradle his her way over the other players, to the front of the line, with a container in his/her hand, and run forward to the bucket of water, dip it in, and carefully race back to his/her line to crawl under the team, making sure to bring the water with him/her, to pour it in the team's bucket behind the line. As soon as the first player on the team reaches the bucket full of water at the front, the next player may begin the same process. This becomes tricky as one person is over, and another is under the team, since some of those who are on all fours will need to lift up to let someone under, and others will need to crouch to let someone over. Conceivably, there could be three or four players at a time, either under or over the rest.

The game can end with the first team to get the water level to a certain height, the first group to get all the players through, or when time runs out. In any case, the team with the most water (in the bucket, not their clothes) at the end wins.

*(my invention)

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