52) Group Memory*

* 1 index card for each participant (extras for mistakes)
* at least 2 pens/pencils

How to Play
Split group into two teams (of at least 10, but preferably much more), each with an equal number of participants. Hand each team one index card for each participant (plus extras for anyone who makes a mistake), and at least one pen/pencil. The teams should move to another location so that they cannot see or hear each other, then choose pairs, but continue to work as a group within their teams. This is necessary to prevent repetition, and encourages group planning. Each participant should write his/her name on the un-lined side of his/her index card, in large print. If there is an odd number of people in each group, then there will be an "old maid" in the game. Each pair should find something in common with each other, making sure not to duplicate another pair in their team, and write it down on the other side of the card. The "old maid" may write any interesting fact about him/herself on the other side of his/her card, as large as possible. When the team is finished, they stack their cards together, and bring them back to the original location. A representative from each team mixes the cards, puts tape on the side with the facts, and tapes them to the wall, in short rows. Each team should use a different part of the wall; the teams do not mix their cards together. Now have the teams take turns, calling the names of two opponents. Flip over the two names, read out loud, the facts off the back, and if they match, hand them to the team. If they do not match, put them back on the wall. If there's at least 20 cards per team, then award a match with a second attempt. The teams take turns doing this until one team has all the cards from the opposing team.

*(my invention)

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