45) Buck-Buck

This game is for guys and girls who like to rough-house. It is tons of fun for wild youth groups, but no one should be required to participate if they'd rather watch. It can result in being kicked.

* none

To get as many people as possible on top of the opposing team

How to Play:
Form two equal teams of 7-10 players. Have one team (Team A) line up, grab the waist of the person in front of them, and lean forward so that their backs form a line parallel to the ground. They should hug snugly against the next person, tucking their heads in for safety.
The other team (Team B)should stand back, at least 15 feet away (or more for a good start). One person from this group starts by running forward, and jumps, landing in a straddling position on top of Team A, as close to the front as possible. When the player lands, he/she should lean forward, flat against the players below. Then a second player from Team B goes, and so-on, until Team A collapses. The teams switch sides, and play again. Whichever team gets the most players on top, wins.
Now you might want to ask for more volunteers from everyone who's watching, and play again.

Let the teams figure out how best to line themselves up, with the exception that anyone prone to getting knocked down (ie:small kids) should be in the front.

1 comment:

DaveR said...

Growing up in Philadelphia we enjoyed playing Buck-Buck. However, we played that the intent was to break the other teams line, so the team that required less people to break the line wins. It's a bit more violent variation than the one presented. If you ever heard Bill Cosby's rendition about how Fat Albert was the baddest Buck Buck player of them all.... Would correlate to our version of the game.

Either way, try it, it's a lotta fun!!!