61) Lemonade


How to Play
Split group into two teams, and have them stand on either side of the playing area.
One team (Team A) begins, by quietly talking together, and coming up with an agreed-on occupation. When ready, they begin shouting the following:
Team A: Here we come!
Team B: Where you from?
Team A: New Orleans!
Team B: What's your trade?
Team A: Lemonade!
Team A then begins marching forward together, acting out the agreed-upon occupation, while Team B shouts out attempts to guess the trade. When they guess correctly, Team A must turn around, and race back to their starting point. If Team A makes it to the other side, they may choose a player to take back with them, and start again. Anyone who is tagged along the way becomes part of Team B. Then the groups switch roles.

Team A will probably try to walk slowly, because the closer they get to the other side, the more likely they are to be tagged. Team B, on the other hand, may try to wait to guess the occupation if they feel certain that they are right, in order to improve their chances of tagging people. If they wait too long, however, and are wrong, they will have lost guessing time, so there is a give-and-take to this strategy.


DMS said...

We had one last line from Team B: Show us something if you aren't afraid! and then the acting out began.

Silver Rubies said...

We had the same last line, DMS.

We also said we were from New York, not New Orleans.

Thanks for the reminder of this childhood game.