81) Tail in a Bottle

*1 piece of string for each team, long enough to wrap around each person's waist, with the end hanging down several inches
*1 pen (or similar object) for each group, tied to the string
*1 soda or milk bottle for each group (all soda bottles or all milk bottles for equality)

How to Play
Split the group into equal teams, and have them form lines, with their bottle set up ahead. At the facilitator's command, the second person in each line should tie the string around the waist of the first person, so that the pen hangs down behind him/her by a few inches. The first person must then run to the bottle, and squat down in an attempt to fit the pen through the hole of the bottle. When successful, the player may run back, pass the string to the next person, and the process begins again. The first team to get everyone through, wins.

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