27) Elves, Giants, Wizards

* none

Split the group into two equal teams. This game is similar to "Rock, Paper, Sissors," with a twist. The game has three positions, "elves," "giants," and "wizards. The "elves" stand with their thumbs in their ears, fingers upright. The "giants" stand with their arms raised in the air. The "wizards" put their thumbs on their noses and wiggle their fingers. In these positions, the giants stomp the elves, the elves trick the wizards, and the wizards put spells on the giants. Have the teams each form a line, facing each other, with about 30-50 feet between them, and explain the positions.

How to Play
Each team groups together, choosing a position for the whole team. When ready, they line back up, and walk forward to meet the other team at the half-way point between them. At the facilitators command, everyone jumps into the position that their team decided on. The team that gets stomped/tricked/or had a spell put on them, then turns and runs back to the starting point, while the other team chases them. Anyone who is tagged while running home, joins the team that won the round. The groups then regroup and choose a new position. This continues until everyone is on the same team, or time runs out.

This is a New Game, a game in which no participant is ever out, and if teams are even in abilities, the game itself doesn't end, and therefore, has no winners and losers.

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