1) Ring of Fire

* Tire
* Rope
* Tree or similar object

Secure tire to tree, tightly. For safety, it is better secured on either side (ie: two sturdy poles) so that it does not sway.

How to play:
Tell group that they are all friends, stuck on one side of the tire, that there is a fire on their side, and they must all escape to the other side. In front of them is a solid wall. The tire is the only opening through which to escape.
The group must find a way to make it through without touching the tire, which is "on fire." For safety purposes, do not allow acrobatics.

Allow the group to come up with their own solutions. Often, the first few attempts fail because they take turns without a plan. The larger kids may be picked to lift everyone else through, but when their own turn comes, they find that they are stuck. As the group works together, they find that if some go back through to help, putting themselves back in "danger," and if they plan for the last people before they start- considering the whole group instead of just getting themselves to safety, they are more likely to make it.

As can be done in many team games, it can be beneficial to add restrictions. Perhaps no one can talk, or only one or two (the less talkative). This allows for everyone to participate and rely on each other. Also, blind-folding one person in the group may encourage everyone to consider the concept of needing to provide extra protection as they work together to get that person through.

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